Winter will hit the Decatur, IL area soon, and you can expect average temperatures ranging from 19 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit. Before the snowy season starts, be sure to check your HVAC system for any heating issues. Remember: homeowners and businesses that wait until the last minute may get stuck dealing with frigid indoor conditions for several days.

How can you tell if you need a new heating installation to get through the winter? Your heater is likely to exhibit at least one of the following warning signs.

Your Heater is More Than 15 Years Old

Older heaters are never as energy efficient as new ones, but this problem becomes exacerbated after the 15-year mark. Modern furnaces can last 20 to 30 years with good maintenance. However, expert heating contractors typically suggest a new installation instead of a repair for any models built before 2005. It’s quite simply more cost-efficient to go this route.

Uneven Heating

Are you dealing with uneven heating throughout the house? This is often a sign that you need extensive repairs or a new heating installation. Until this problem is resolved, you’ll continue to have an uneven indoor climate. As a result, you’ll waste lots of money and energy trying to properly heat each room.

Energy Bills Are on the Rise

You may need a new heater if your energy bills have steadily crept up without any changes to your thermostat. While the outside temperature can affect your energy usage, you shouldn’t see a continual increase reflected on your bills unless you change your thermostat setting. Unfortunately, old heaters are prone to this problem, which can send energy costs soaring.

Other common warning signs include rattling sounds, frequent cycling and excessive dust coming from the heater. Our expert heating contractors are here to help you solve these problems. Visit our heating services page or call (217) 635-2230 to learn more about our heating installation and repair services.

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